SummitClimb News Blog

Summit-Blog: Expeditionen, Klettern, Trekking, Ski, vom Kilimandscharo bis zum Everest, gemeinsam zum Gipfel. News von unterwegs.

SummitClimb News Blog
AnnapurnaFelix BergSummitClimb

Karpacz Mountain Festival

Last weekend Felix and Magdalena were invited to the mountain festival Festiwal Gorski Dni Lajtowe that took place in Karpacz, a ski resort situated in the Karkonosze Mountains in south-western Poland. The festival lasted three days and featured presentations by climbers and mountaineers from various countries, including Oscar Cadiach, Leszek Cichy, Denis Urubko and Adam Bielecki. It was a great opportunity for Felix Berg to share his experience and present his past sport climbing, as well as high-altitude projects to the Polish public. Besides, it was a pleasure to meet our friends climbers in the snowy Karpacz and brainstorm about exciting projects for the future!

Felix speaking - ice climbing.
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