SummitClimb News Blog

Summit-Blog: Expeditionen, Klettern, Trekking, Ski, vom Kilimandscharo bis zum Everest, gemeinsam zum Gipfel. News von unterwegs.

SummitClimb News Blog
Ama DablamXarchiv

Ama Dablam Gipfelerfolg

Max Kausch, SummitClimb Expeditionsleiter, berichtet von Gipfelerfolg:

“ Today is October 29th and we are very happy to inform you that 5 of our members, as well as 2 sherpas and myself summited Ama Dablam today at about 10am. Romain, Jean Michel, Grace, John, Richard, Pasang, Sange and Max shared a few minutes together at the summit of Ama Dablam today.

We left our tents at Camp 2 at 2am and spent 8 hours climbing to the summit. We had some pretty strong winds from west on the way to the summit, but there was no precipitation whatsoever. Our second team is going for the summit tonight.”

Weitere Nachrichten folgen demnächst. Bilder von der Ama Dablam:

Ama Dablam Ama Dablam img_2039.jpg

Link: Ama Dablam Expedition 2012

SummitClimb - Dein Anbieter für Expeditionen, Klettern, Trekking, Skitouren. Weltweit in die Berge - gemeinsame Abenteuer erleben. Gemeinsam zum Gipfel.

Ein Gedanke zu „Ama Dablam Gipfelerfolg

  • Summits on October 29th:

    Sange Sherpa
    Romain Hoffmann
    Grace McDonald
    Max Kausch
    Richard Pattison
    John Shelton-Smith
    Jean-Michel Meunier
    Pasang Sherpa

    Summits on October 30th

    Thile Sherpa
    Liam Suckling
    Tenji Sherpa
    Bill Dwyer
    Violetta Pontinen
    Peter Hamel
    Palden Sherpa

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